Value Your Time

 "In 2020, U.S. adults spent 209 minutes (three hours and 29 minutes) per day watching TV video content, and 103 minutes (one hour and 43 minutes) per day watching digital video on devices." Source

Do the math, that is 300 Minutes, or 5 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is pretty much a full time job, ingesting digital content into a brain, really not at all geared to do that.

So in short, we are filling our brains with volumes of material. Based on a quick review of top content, not much of it has much if any real value other than pleasure button pushing.  

That's a lot... So what is the impact of all this? 

• Financial Costs - we spend thousands of dollars on streaming media and devices and subscriptions each year, in cfact it's over $250 a month on average. Source  In the time it takes your child to grow to be 18, the spend is over $50,000. If this was invested at 4%, that would be $80,000.

• Opportunity Costs - What could you accomplish around the house, maybe a part time job, some volunteer work, time with the family and friends. How about that exercise plan, better more healthy food preparation? 

• Brain Impact -  It's a mix, most likely based on content and amount of interruptions. Related to TV Movies, "people who reported watching moderate to large amounts of TV in their 40s, 50s and early 60s experienced greater cognitive declines". Related to theater movies, no interruptions, "University College London and Vue Cinema found that people who watched movies experienced improved mental focus and fixation towards the movie. This focused watching (according to the study) helps to improve cognition and memory."

The Sober World Take... Movies can be great, just value your personal time a lot. Don't watch for the sake of escaping, watch with intention for the sake of getting value. If you value your time a lot, and have many important people things to focus on, the craving to escape in movies will self-mitigate. 

Be the best you!
