Less Polarizing Screen Time

In the past century, we have gone from zero hours a day watching television, to over 3 hours on average - every day in the USA.

We spend over 10 hours a day in front of screens overall on average in the USA when you add up work, phones and TV. 

Our brains evolved to be outside, being highly sensitive to sounds, looking at things at different distances, never any blue light which disrupts sleep. 

So in essence, simply put, we have evolved our habits into an environment that is very foreign to our eyes, brains, thoughts and nervous systems. This fact is compounded with the messaging, the abrupt ad changes, the intentionally addictive programming and coercive message triggering envy and fears. Mental anxiety and related sleep loss is a driver for needing mental medications like alcohol or pot. 

In recent decades, the addition of 'cable' television has adding in 24hr programs for sports, news and more, and now there are countless dozens of stations droning on about all sorts of topics, and vying for our attention by fabricating anxieties and anger fostering topics preying off people's organic fears. 

What to do? It's simple, you are in complete control. The best way to stop having this impact you, is to stop having this impact you. Turn the TV off. 

It's that simple. When you really look at all the programming, and think about the opportunity costs in life, what you could be doing, learning, creating, fixing, sharing... suddenly the value of screen time is a lot less. Give up one 30 Minute show and call a few friends you have not talked with in a while. Which has more worth? 

It's up to you. TV is not bad, too much is bad. Put a high value on your own time. We have one life, one chance. Every minute you spend watching a fake life is a minute away from your real life. It's your choice. We hope you will simply be the best you. 

Changing Thinking Changes Everything  #soberworldorg
